Give where you Live!

THANK YOU DONORS and PARTICIPATING NONPROFITS! Uncompahgre Gives raised over $497,000 for local nonprofits during the 2024 Colorado Gives Day campaign!!!
Donations continue to come in throughout the
new year. 

This year’s 2025 campaign will be from Nov-Dec 
You can donate to any of Uncompahgre Gives nonprofits throughout the year through ColoradoGives.org.
The presenting sponsor First Bank of Colorado offers prizes and incentives that nonprofits can qualify for only during the campaign. It is an exciting time to promote philanthropy in the community and we hope you will be a part of it!


Uncompahgre Gives is a collaboration of the Montrose Community Foundation and The Community First Foundation with Delta, Ouray, and Montrose Counties’ nonprofits.
Colorado Gives Day is a statewide day set up to promote the support of Colorado’s awesome nonprofit resources.
ColoradoGives.org receives your generosity and support for your favorite local nonprofit year round as well as annually on Colorado Gives Day.

Uncompahgre Gives makes it easy for you to find your favorite LOCAL nonprofit, for Colorado Gives Day.


Delta, Ouray, and Montrose Counties

The Montrose Community Foundation, a non-profit charitable partner for over 30 years, envisions a healthy and vibrant community for all the Uncompahgre Valley. We can accomplish this through encouraged philanthropy that supports the MCF and the non-profits that service the people of the Uncompahgre.
Donating to MCF or any of the non-profits in this regional partnership, allows you to support our community’s health and wellness + basic needs and human services + arts and literature + education and scholarships + recreation and preservation + animal welfare and healthy community development. We thank you for keeping the Uncompahgre Valley a fabulous place to live, work or play!