Hoof and Paw “Smitten with Kittens”
Giving back to the community is integral to the Montrose Community Foundation (MCF). Our granting program has spanned more than thirty years and awarded more than a million dollars to support local organizations.
Combining forces with the City of Montrose since 2014, MCF distributed $60,000 in 2024 to 32 local nonprofit organizations performing important and innovative projects in and around Montrose.
180 Ministries
180 Ministries offers women and their children the opportunity to thrive and reclaim their lives. 180 Ministries for Montrose and surrounding communities was awarded $1000 to assist with addiction recovery, reintegration, and temporary housing for women and children at risk for homelessness.
Community Options Inc
$3,000 was awarded to Community Options to help secure a new van. Community Options, Inc. provides and coordinates services and supports to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Dream Catcher Therapy Center
Dream Catcher provides comprehensive animal assisted services using rescued horses as a partner to address impairments, functional limitations, cognitive delays, mental health concerns and relationship building with our clients and their families. Dream Catcher was awarded $2500 for their mental health hippotherapy program. Dream catcher services all ages including veterans and seniors.
End of Trail Rescue
The sister organization of Dream Catcher Therapy Center, End of Trail provides shelter, quality food and humane treatment to horses that have been abused, neglected or unwanted. $2500 granted to End of Trail helps bridge the financial gap to rescue and treat these horses.
Friends of the River Uncompahgre
Friends of the River Uncompahgre are focusing on restoring our river, serving as river guardians, trail maintenance and developing an education program. “The Uncompahgre flows into Montrose CO near the Ute Indian Museum, and offers a six-month boating season on Class II+ whitewater, year-round fishing in calm eddies and a renowned water sports park. With its network of parks and open space connected by miles of trails, our riparian corridor provides wildlife habitat, opportunities to educate our youth on water and our environment, and a place all in our community
can enjoy.”
$1,700 was granted for operational support to encourage their stewardship of the Uncompahgre River.
Friends of Youth and Nature
FOYAN‘s mission is “To eliminate barriers to participation in outdoor activities by Western Slope youth and expand participation.” $2,000 will be used to purchase daypacks and reusable water bottles for youth programs.
Habitat for Humanity of the San Juans
Habitat for Humanity of the San Juans will receive $2500 for their “critical home repairs” program. Habitat for Humanity of the San Juans is a locally owned and operated affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. “Shelter is a basic human need and Habitat for Humanity strives to achieve its goal of eliminating substandard housing by making decent, sustainable and affordable housing a reality for everyone.” Habitat for Humanity of the San Juans serves Montrose, Delta, Ouray and San Miguel Counties.
Haven House
Haven House offers shelter, supportive services and enrichment programs for homeless families in Montrose and Olathe. $2500 was awarded to fund their transitional housing program and early childhood education and youth development programs for their residents.
Hilltop Community Resources
Hilltop Community Resources received $1,000 to continue their successful fatherhood program. This program provides comprehensive and coordinated services to fathers including positive parenting, healthy marriage, economic well-being, and peer leadership.
Hoof and Paw
Hoof and Paw provides animal rescue, shelter and veterinary services for Nucla and the West End of Montrose County.
$2000 was awarded to assist with veterinarian services.
Housing Resources of Western Colorado
Housing Resources of Western Colorado advances equitable housing and healthy communities through education, empowerment, preservation and development.
A $1,000 grant will be used to provide financial counseling for homeownership.
Kids Aid/Common Ground
Kids Aid discreetly fills at risk children’s back packs with food for weekends, as many of these children only receive nutritious meals while they are in school. $4150 was provided for 2024 to help run this much needed program.
LFMG Music Academy
La Familia Music Academy offers classes and a recording studio to budding young musicians. “LFMG Music Academy is a safe space that provides a healthy outlet for the youth in Montrose, CO and surrounding areas. LFMG Music Academy provides the resources and tools the youth need to be successful in a safe space where they can express themselves and learn about songwriting, beat making, recording, mixing music, podcasting, graphic design, music business and much more! We also provide performing opportunities and are working to be able to provide scholarships for youth that want to further their education.”
MCF awarded LFMG $1,500 to assist with space for programs, staff, equipment and fundraising events.
Magic Circle Players
“Since 1959, when Bette Dustin Spiro, announced to her friends, “We are going to put on a play,” Magic Circle Players
has contributed to improving the quality of life in Montrose and the surrounding areas by providing educational and
cultural opportunities to the residents of Western Colorado through live theatre.”
A much needed renovation of their current theater facility has been in progress and MCF has enabled them to replace a free standing marque sign with a $2,000 Impact Grant.
Maslow Academy of Applied Learning
Maslow Academy is an independent, nonprofit. Offering two locations in Montrose, Colorado, for childcare, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary education. “All children deserve to learn, and our aim is to offer access to high-quality care and educational programs for all families.” Their school accepts a high percentage of families covered by the state-funded Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). They also offer a grant-funded Tuition Subsidy Program (TSP) for those who don’t qualify for CCAP but are still in financial need.
MCF assisted with some much needed building improvements of their Hillcrest property with a $2,000 grant.
Mexican American Development Association (MADA)
Our agricultural valley appreciates this community who gives back in so many ways. MADA is a community hub, gathering space & commercial kitchen who provides resources, advocacy & unity for our Mexican-American residents. MCF assisted MADA with their community garden project with a $750 grant.
Special Olympics of Colorado

Magic Circle Players
Little Shop of Horrors 2023

Weehawken Aerial Program
Montrose Adult Education Center
An extension of the Montrose County School District, The Montrose Adult Education Center offers classes and tutoring in basic literacy, basic numeracy, GED test preparation, and English as Second Language (ESL) classes. $2,500 was granted to assist with supplies and operations costs for programing.
Montrose Center for the Arts
Montrose Center for the Arts exists to enrich life through education, appreciation, and experience of the arts for
Montrose and the Western Slope Communities. Art classes are offered for all ages and skill levels. The works of regionally acclaimed artists are shown in their gallery each month.
$1,400 was granted for their operational and programing costs that include musical and visual arts.
Montrose County School District Engagement Centers
The Montrose County School District has implemented a secondary level program to provide a tiered system of support for students who struggle to be successful in a traditional school setting. The goal of this support system is to help at-risk students gain and strengthen the tools they need to be successful in a school environment.
MCF granted $750 to MCSDEC to help furnish a flexible learning space for students.
Montrose County School district also has an engagement center for middle schoolers.
Montrose Medical Mission
Montrose Medical Mission, offered through Montrose Regional Health, works to reduce and sometimes cover medical and prescription bills for uninsured or those unqualified for public assistance.
$2,500 was given to the Montrose Medical Mission to assist patients in need.
Montrose Regional Health
Our local hospital, Montrose Regional Health is an eight time Colorado Top 100 Rural Hospital. A pilot project to reduce emergency room visits from medications not taken properly was granted $1,000. It will help fund a pilot program supplying medical dispensing machines for patients.
PEER Kindess
PEER Kindness mission is to work in partnership with schools, businesses/community leaders, families, and youth to reduce bullying and to foster a PEER (Positive, Encouraging, Empathetic, and Respectful) stance.
$1,000 was awarded to this successful community program for continue to increase bullying awareness.
River Valley Health Centers
River Valley Health offers discounted medical services on a sliding fee scale for qualifying patients. They have clinic locations in Olathe, Montrose and Delta CO.
$2,500 supports this social determinants health program that includes health screenings for patients whose incomes are below 200% of the federal poverty level.
Special Olympics Colorado
“More than 50 years ago, Special Olympics launched a global movement to break down barriers and end discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) remain at the heart of our movement, as Special Olympics Colorado works to continuously embrace unity and create inclusive communities where everyone belongs. We value, celebrate, and respect varying differences, neurodiversities, backgrounds, and perspectives and know that our continued efforts toward greater diversity and inclusion will enrich our organization and world.”
A grant for $1,250 brings their program to Montrose Colorado and helps with costs, including equipment, uniforms and coach recruitment.
The Pinhead Institute
Pinhead Institute is a Smithsonian Affiliate based in Telluride, Colorado that strives to promote science-education both locally and globally.
$2,000 was awarded for the Pinhead SITS (scholars in the schools) program for Montrose County.
The Shepherd's Hand
$3,000 was awarded to the Shepherd’s Hand Montrose operating program. Shepherd’s Hand serves hot meals and provides food boxes for the homeless. They also provide showers, lockers and laundry facilities, as well as counseling.
True North Youth Program
True North Youth Program provides positive youth development programs, including academic tutoring and support, college and career readiness, transitioning from junior high to high school, community service learning, catering apprenticeships, and outdoor programs for teens.
$1,000 was awarded to this organization for operating and to grow existing programs for Montrose and the West End.
Uncompahgre Nordic Association
Uncompahgre Nordic Association is a nonprofit formed by Montrose Locals volunteering their time to maintain the Divide Road Nordic Trails in cooperation with the US Forest Service Ouray Ranger District for non-motorized over snow recreation. Located at the intersection of Davewood and Divide Rds on the Uncompahgre Plateau these trails are roughly 23 miles SW of Montrose, CO.
An important part of our local outdoor recreation, $500 was granted to help maintain these trails.
Uncompahgre Legal Aid
Since 1986, UVLA has given under-served and low-income residents of Montrose, Delta, Ouray, Gunnison, Hinsdale, and San Miguel counties the resources to resolve legal issues and remove themselves and their children from unsafe situations.
UVLA received $2,000 to provide services for low income residents of Montrose.
Valley Youth Orchestra
Since 1999 the Valley Youth Orchestra provided a youth orchestra for Colorado’s Western Slope communities. Their mission is to “inspire young string musicians in a nurturing environment with a focus on peer mentoring and musical excellence.”
$2,500 was granted to VYO for program costs such as music purchase, instrument repair and supplies, and needs based scholarships for participation.
Weehawken Creative Arts
The Mission of Weehawken Creative Arts is to provide high-quality arts education, personal growth programs and cultural events while playing a leadership role in the arts within our communities year round. $1,000 went to provide needs based scholarships for Montrose youth enrolled in the aerial and circus program.
West End Early Learning Center
The mission of the West End Family Link Center, located in Nucla CO is to “empower the people of the west end of Montrose and San Miguel counties by providing no cost supportive services. These services include: referrals; education towards self-management; evidence-based programs
(parenting and nutrition classes); emergency assistance services, such as heating assistance and food bank; and other resources when available.”
A grant for $3,000 will be used for their Basic Needs programs which include: food pantry; Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC); SNAP enrollment; assisting clients to fill out various types of applications; help with Colorado Workforce; and emergency assistance – providing fuel to drive to appointments and job interviews, prescription costs. referrals, and energy assistance that falls outside the parameters of EOC. They also deliver to individuals and families that cannot make it to the facility. For the people in Paradox, which is approximately 65 miles round trip from Nucla and has a population of 85% elderly, they have set up a food pantry so that they have easier access.

Uncompahgre Nordic Association trail users